Quote Me - S4 E10 Enola Honsberger

 It is a joy to welcome Eniola (Eni) Honsberger to the show. Eni serves as the Director of the Office of Family Life for the Diocese of Paterson, and recently launched a relationship coaching endeavor, Espouse.


Her quote is from Alexander Pope: 


"To err is human, to forgive is divine.”


Learn more about relationship coaching (for those who are dating, engaged, or married; siblings; friends; and leaders) at www.espousefacilitation.com.


To suggest a quote or a guest, follow the show on Instagram, @quoteme_podcast, or contact Lindsay at her website, LindsaySchlegel.com.


If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe to the podcast, leave a review wherever you find your podcasts, and tell a friend. 


Until next time, God bless you!



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