Quote Me - S4 E5 Emily Stimpson

 Today we welcome Emily Stimpson Chapman, Catholic author, wife, and mother to three (three and under). Her quote comes from the letters of Flannery O’Connor:


"I suppose half the work of writing is overcoming the revulsion you feel when you sit down to it." 


This reluctance can be a reality in all our callings, whether it’s writing, parenting, or something totally different. Listen in to consider the “adult voice” we need to have in our heads if we want to follow Christ faithfully.


You can find Emily on Instagram (@emilystimpsonchapman), on Substack, and at TheCatholicTable.com.

Her book, Letters to Myself from the End of the World, is one of the best things I’ve read this year (or ever?). Grab your copy here.

To suggest a quote or a guest, follow the show on Instagram, @quoteme_podcast, or contact Lindsay at her website, LindsaySchlegel.com.

If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe to the podcast, leave a review wherever you find your podcasts, and tell a friend. 

Until next time, God bless you!


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